struct btd_adapter
No. | 名称 | 属性 | 説明 |
1 |
btd_adapter | ||
dev_id | uint16_t | ||
up | int | ||
path | char * | adapter object path | |
bdaddr | bdaddr_t | adapter Bluetooth Address | |
discov_timeout_id | guint | discoverable timeout id | |
discov_timeout | uint32_t | discoverable time(sec) | |
pairable_timeout_id | guint | pairable timeout id | |
pairable_timeout | uint32_t | pairable time(sec) | |
scan_mode | uint8_t | scan mode: SCAN_DISABLED, SCAN_PAGE, SCAN_INQUIRY | |
mode | uint8_t | off, connectable, discoverable, limited | |
global_mode | uint8_t | last valid global mode | |
state | int | standard inq, periodic inq, name resloving | |
found_devices | GSList * | ||
oor_devices | GSList * | out of range device list | |
discovery_cancel | DBusMessage * | discovery cancel message request | |
passkey_agents | GSList * | ||
agent | agent * | For the new API | |
active_conn | GSList * | ||
bonding | bonding_request_info * | ||
auth_reqs | GSList * | Received and replied HCI | |
devices | GSList * | Devices structure pointers | |
mode_sessions | GSList * | Request Mode sessions | |
disc_sessions | GSList * | Discovery sessions | |
scheduler_id | guint | Scheduler handle | |
dev | hci_dev | hci info | |
pairable | gboolean | pairable state | |
first_init | gboolean | Needed for offmode=devdown |
目次 | ファイル一覧 | 関数一覧 | ネームスペース一覧 | クラス一覧 | #define一覧 | マクロ一覧 | 外部変数一覧 | 構造体一覧 | 共用体一覧 | 列挙体一覧 | Const一覧 | 索引 | サイドメニュー