Class CursesWindow |
class CursesWindow
No. | 名称 | 属性 | 型 | 説明 |
1 |
kill_subwindows() | Protected | void | disable all subwindows |
2 |
CursesWindow() | Public | useful only for stdscr | |
3 |
CursesWindow() | Public | col origin | |
4 |
CursesWindow() | Public | if `a', by & bx are | |
5 |
~CursesWindow() | Public | ||
6 |
lines() | Public | int | number of lines on terminal, *not* window |
7 |
cols() | Public | int | number of cols on terminal, *not* window |
8 |
height() | Public | int | number of lines in this window |
9 |
width() | Public | int | number of cols in this window |
10 |
begx() | Public | int | smallest x coord in window |
11 |
begy() | Public | int | smallest y coord in window |
12 |
maxx() | Public | int | largest x coord in window |
13 |
maxy() | Public | int | largest x coord in window |
14 |
move() | Public | int | |
15 |
getyx() | Public | void | |
16 |
mvcur() | Public | int | |
17 |
getch() | Public | int | |
18 |
getstr() | Public | int | |
19 |
scanw() | Public | int | |
20 |
mvgetch() | Public | int | |
21 |
mvgetstr() | Public | int | |
22 |
mvscanw() | Public | int | |
23 |
addch() | Public | int | |
24 |
addstr() | Public | int | |
25 |
printw() | Public | int | |
26 |
inch() | Public | int | |
27 |
insch() | Public | int | |
28 |
insertln() | Public | int | |
29 |
mvaddch() | Public | int | |
30 |
mvaddstr() | Public | int | |
31 |
mvprintw() | Public | int | |
32 |
mvinch() | Public | int | |
33 |
mvinsch() | Public | int | |
34 |
box() | Public | int | |
35 |
erase() | Public | int | |
36 |
clear() | Public | int | |
37 |
clearok() | Public | int | |
38 |
clrtobot() | Public | int | |
39 |
clrtoeol() | Public | int | |
40 |
delch() | Public | int | |
41 |
mvdelch() | Public | int | |
42 |
deleteln() | Public | int | |
43 |
scroll() | Public | int | |
44 |
scrollok() | Public | int | |
45 |
touchwin() | Public | int | |
46 |
refresh() | Public | int | |
47 |
leaveok() | Public | int | |
48 |
flushok() | Public | int | |
49 |
standout() | Public | int | |
50 |
standend() | Public | int | |
51 |
overlay() | Public | int | |
52 |
overwrite() | Public | int | |
53 |
child() | Public | CursesWindow* | |
54 |
sibling() | Public | CursesWindow* | |
55 |
parent() | Public | CursesWindow* |
No. | 名称 | 属性 | 型 | 説明 |
1 |
count | Protected | static int | count of all active windows: |
2 |
w | Protected | WINDOW * | the curses WINDOW |
3 |
alloced | Protected | int | true if we own the WINDOW |
4 |
par | Protected | CursesWindow* | parent, if subwindow |
5 |
subwins | Protected | CursesWindow* | head of subwindows list |
6 |
sib | Protected | CursesWindow* | next subwindow of parent |
目次 | ファイル一覧 | 関数一覧 | ネームスペース一覧 | クラス一覧 | #define一覧 | マクロ一覧 | 外部変数一覧 | 構造体一覧 | 共用体一覧 | 列挙体一覧 | Const一覧 | 索引 | サイドメニュー