構造体定義書 仕様書作成ツール【A HotDocument】



comment is monster meaning

struct obj




No. 名称 属性説明
obj  comment is monster meaning
  m_flags unsigned long monster flags
  damage char * damage it does
  quantity short hit points to kill
  ichar short 'A' is for aquatar
  kill_exp short exp for killing it
  is_protected short level starts
  is_cursed short level ends
  class short chance of hitting you
  identified short 'F' damage, 1,2,3...
  which_kind unsigned short item carry/drop %
  o_row, o_col, o short o is how many times stuck at o_row, o_col
  row, col short current row, col
  d_enchant short room char when detect_monster
  quiver short monster slowed toggle
  trow, tcol short target row, col
  hit_enchant short how many moves is confused
  what_is unsigned short imitator's charactor (?!%:
  picked_up short sleep from wand of sleep
  in_use_flags unsigned short  
  next_object obj * next monster

See Also

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