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Little Endian

struct hermonprm_init_port_st




No. 名称 属性説明
hermonprm_init_port_st  Little Endian
  reserved0[0x00004] pseudo_bit_t  
  vl_cap[0x00004] pseudo_bit_t Maximum VLs supported on the port, excluding VL15.
  port_width_cap[0x00004] pseudo_bit_t IB Port Width
  reserved1[0x00004] pseudo_bit_t  
  g0[0x00001] pseudo_bit_t Set port GUID0 to GUID0 specified
  ng[0x00001] pseudo_bit_t Set node GUID to node_guid specified.
  sig[0x00001] pseudo_bit_t Set System Image GUID to system_image_guid specified.
  reserved2[0x0000d] pseudo_bit_t  
  max_gid[0x00010] pseudo_bit_t Maximum number of GIDs for the port
  mtu[0x00010] pseudo_bit_t Maximum MTU Supported in bytes
  max_pkey[0x00010] pseudo_bit_t Maximum pkeys for the port.
  reserved3[0x00010] pseudo_bit_t  
  reserved4[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t  
  guid0_h[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t EUI-64 GUID assigned by the manufacturer, takes effect only if the G0 bit is set (bits 63:32)
  guid0_l[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t EUI-64 GUID assigned by the manufacturer, takes effect only if the G0 bit is set (bits 31:0)
  node_guid_h[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t Node GUID[63:32], takes effect only if the NG bit is set
  node_guid_l[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t Node GUID[31:0], takes effect only if the NG bit is set
  system_image_guid_h[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t System Image GUID[63:32], takes effect only if the SIG bit is set
  system_image_guid_l[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t System Image GUID[31:0], takes effect only if the SIG bit is set
  reserved5[0x006c0] pseudo_bit_t  

See Also

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