構造体定義書 VC2010



Little Endian

struct hermonprm_srq_context_st




No. 名称 属性説明
hermonprm_srq_context_st  Little Endian
  srqn[0x00018] pseudo_bit_t SRQ number
  log_srq_size[0x00004] pseudo_bit_t Log2 of the Number of WQEs in the Receive Queue.
  state[0x00004] pseudo_bit_t SRQ State:
  src_domain[0x00010] pseudo_bit_t The Scalable RC Domain. Messages coming to receive ports specifying this SRQ as receive queue will be served only if SRC_Domain
  reserved0[0x00008] pseudo_bit_t  
  log_srq_stride[0x00003] pseudo_bit_t Stride (max WQE size) on the receive queue. WQ entry is 16*(2^log_RQ_stride) bytes.
  reserved1[0x00005] pseudo_bit_t  
  cqn[0x00018] pseudo_bit_t Completion Queue to report SRC messages directed to this SRQ.
  page_offset[0x00006] pseudo_bit_t The offset of the first WQE from the beginning of 4Kbyte page (Figure 52,展ork Queue Buffer Structure・
  reserved2[0x00002] pseudo_bit_t  
  reserved3[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t  
  mtt_base_addr_h[0x00008] pseudo_bit_t MTT Base Address [39:32] in ICM relative to INIT_HCA.mtt_base_addr
  reserved4[0x00010] pseudo_bit_t  
  log2_page_size[0x00006] pseudo_bit_t Log (base 2) of MTT page size in units of 4KByte
  reserved5[0x00002] pseudo_bit_t  
  reserved6[0x00003] pseudo_bit_t  
  mtt_base_addr_l[0x0001d] pseudo_bit_t MTT Base Address [31:3] in ICM relative to INIT_HCA.mtt_base_addr
  pd[0x00018] pseudo_bit_t SRQ protection domain
  reserved7[0x00008] pseudo_bit_t  
  wqe_cnt[0x00010] pseudo_bit_t WQE count on the SRQ. Valid only upon QUERY_SRQ and HW2SW_SRQ commands.
  lwm[0x00010] pseudo_bit_t Limit Water Mark - if the LWM is not zero, and the wqe_cnt drops below LWM when a WQE is dequeued from the SRQ, then an SRQ lim
  srq_wqe_counter[0x00010] pseudo_bit_t A 16-bit counter incremented for each WQE posted to the SRQ. Must be 0x0 in SRQ initialization. Valid only upon the QUERY_SRQ c
  reserved8[0x00010] pseudo_bit_t  
  reserved9[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t  
  db_record_addr_h[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t SRQ DB Record physical address [63:32]
  reserved10[0x00002] pseudo_bit_t  
  db_record_addr_l[0x0001e] pseudo_bit_t SRQ DB Record physical address [31:2]

See Also

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